My Ideal Fudge Recipe

3 min read
My Ideal Fudge Recipe

The only difficult thing about making delicious fudge is how long and at what temperature to cook it for.


Makes: ~900g of fudge

  • 550g demerara sugar
  • 100g butter
  • 170g golden syrup
  • 1.5-2 tps sea salt flakes
  • 30g maple syrup
  • 350ml double cream
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  • Sugar thermometer


Weigh out your ingredients, then get a medium-large pan - ideally with a thick base.

Melt the butter gently, then dissolve in the sugar.

melting butter, mmmmmmm

Once the sugar is more-or-less mixed in with the butter, add in the double cream and syrup(s).

Ensure the pan is on a medium heat and stir everything together.

After a few minutes, it should be a smooth liquid that's vaguely fudge-coloured:

Fudge before it's hit the right temperature

Now comes the less-fun part, you basically want to keep it cooking for a while, stiring now and then, mainly to make sure it doesn't stick.

There is lots written online about the 'perfect' temperature to cook your fudge at - I've found it doesn't make much difference, as long as you don't let it get too hot. I use a sugar thermometer and if I see it getting much more than 117℃, I turn the heat off for a minute.

Bubbling fudge

As the fudge is cooking it's fine for it to look light and bubbly like this.

It's quite tricky to know exactly how long to cook for, so it takes a bit of trial and error. Roughly speaking after about 35 minutes, I'm starting to test the fudge for it's consistency.

How to know when the fudge is ready

I use the 'soft ball' method. Again, it's something you'll get better at after a few attempts - but essentially you put a bit of the liquid fudge in cold water to see if it takes on the consistency you're aiming for.

Fill a bowl with cold water. Drop a teaspoon of fudge in - then pick it up. Can you form it into a ball that stays together? Does it have the consistency of fudge? If so, it's probably ready. You don't want it to go hard - that means it's been cooked too long. If the fudge stays very liquid and doesn't form a ball easily, then it needs more cooking.

Once the fudge is cooked, turn off the heat and mix in the salt and vanilla. I personally like to use plenty of salt, but err on the side of caution. You can always sprinkle more salt on after it's cooked. Stir the hot fudge for a few minutes.

When the fudge is cooked, salted and stirred, get a container. I use a small baking tray lined with parchment paper. Put in. Leave for 1.5 hours, then cut up and put in the fridge.

cooling fudge