For short form note taking, WhatsApp is actually the best option I've found. It's fast, secure, available on all my devices, synchronised, searchable and free.
TL;DR: Spin up a local container running Ghost, crawl the frontend to generate a static site, and upload to a free static host. While there's qui
I spent some time in North Korea (DPRK), via a specialist travel agency. I didn't get as many good photos as I would have liked, but below are som
The only difficult thing about making delicious fudge is how long and at what temperature to cook it for.
Originally posted on Gousto Engineering & Data Most Gousto customers choose to get their recipe boxes on a subscription basis: every week they ch
Back in the day I used WordPress quite a bit. It had many appealing qualities - it was easy to host, very extendable and had a huge community of users